How to Fix Samsung Dryer Error Codes? (All You Need To Know)

Although your Samsung front-load washer may be in good working order, your clothes dryer is not. Why?

Well, there are codes on the display console that tell you why, but you’ve misplaced your user manual, so you’re stuck guessing.

This chart will assist you in deciphering the dryer error codes, and you may even be able to save money by avoiding the need to call a repair technician in the future.

The first step, before doing anything else, is to unplug the dryer and wait at least 30 seconds before reconnecting it.

This will allow you to get the dryer back into working order.

Occasionally, simply performing this procedure will assist the dryer’s internal motherboard in resetting and resuming proper operation.

Samsung Dryer Error Codes - What To Check? - How To Clear?
Dryer Error Codes

Error Codes for the Samsung Dryer

These Samsung Dryer error code explanations can assist you in diagnosing a problem with your dryer.

Your Samsung tumble dryer is not functioning properly. Why? Well, there are codes on the display console that tell you why, but you’ve misplaced your user manual, so you’re stuck guessing.

This chart will assist you in deciphering the dryer error codes and may even allow you to save money by avoiding a visit from one of the company’s repair technicians.

How to check Samsung dryer error codes?

The first step, before doing anything else, is to unplug the dryer and wait at least 30 seconds before reconnecting it. This will allow you to get the dryer back into working order.

Troubleshooting: Issues and Solutions

Error CodeIssueSolution
HCHeating errorCheck the lint screen and vent system for blockages. If the error persists, contact a Samsung technician.
9C1, 9E, 2E, 9E1Voltage errorCheck the voltage supply to the dryer. If the voltage is incorrect, contact a qualified electrician.
bE, bE2, bC2, 6E, 6E2, 6C2Jammed button errorPress and hold the Start/Pause button for 3 seconds to reset the dryer. If the error persists, contact a Samsung technician.
dC, dE, dF, do, d0, 1 DC, 1 dFDoor-related errorMake sure that the door is closed securely and that the door switch is not damaged. If the error persists, contact a Samsung technician.
tS, t5, tC, tO, t0, tE, tE3, tC5, tCS, 1 tC, 1tC5, 1tCSTemperature sensor errorCheck the temperature sensor for damage or loose connections. If the sensor is damaged, contact a Samsung technician.

Occasionally, simply performing this procedure will assist the dryer’s internal motherboard in resetting and resuming proper operation.

Samsung Dryer Error Codes: What They Mean and How to Fix Them
Error Codes for the Samsung Dryer

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Samsung dryer error codes list

1. 9c1 samsung dryer

Voltage erroneous readings (samsung dryer code 9c1, 9E, 2E, 9E1)

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This code appears when there is a problem with the voltage that is being supplied to the drying machine.

If you receive this error, make sure that the dryer is connected to a separate circuit and not an extension cord.

It is important to double-check that the power cord has been properly installed and that the correct voltage is being supplied if you are using an electric dryer.

Samsung dryer error symbols

If you take a model out of the country where it was originally purchased, you may encounter this error because power grids and their regulations differ from country to country.

samsung dryer 9c1
samsung dryer 9c1

2. DO – Open the door.

When this code is displayed, the solution can be as simple as closing the dryer door tightly against the dryer itself. However, in order for the dryer to function properly, the problem may necessitate a little more attention.

Starting with the door switch/lock, clean it thoroughly to remove any lint or residue that is preventing it from closing properly. To clean the connectors, apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol to a cotton swab and wiggle it around.

They must make complete contact with the dryer in order for it to work. If that doesn’t work, try the following:

Unplug the dryer and inspect the door lock/switch circuit for any loose or damaged wire connections by removing the plug. If any wires are loose or disconnected, they should be reconnected, and if the wire harness is damaged, it should be replaced.

If the door switch has been damaged, it should be replaced as soon as possible. These door switches are simple to replace and are significantly less expensive to purchase than a service call from a technician to perform the work.

Samsung Dryer Error Code-d0
DO – Open the door.

3. DF – Failure of the door circuit

This code is very similar to the door open code, but it will require a little more investigation.

Unplug the dryer and inspect the wiring connections in the door/lock switch circuit for any loose or damaged connections. If the wires appear to be burned or damaged, they should be reconnected or replaced.

It is possible that the entire door lock/switch will need to be replaced.

4. Et

The letter ‘t’ in this sentence stands for ‘technical.’ Et indicates that your dryer is experiencing a serious technical malfunction.

There is a technical error that neither the machine nor you can decipher because the machine cannot explain it.

When this occurs, try to unplug the dryer and wait for a few minutes before plugging it back in.

Then reconnect the dryer’s power cord. In this case, something in the electronic components of the device has failed and the same error message Et appears on your screen.

The EEPROM (Electronic Programmable Read-Only Memory) is the device that controls the dryer (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory).

It is the dryer’s communication hub, and it is located on the dryer’s printed circuit board (PCB) (Printed Circuit Board).

Samsung dryer symbols

The command center is where everything takes place: orders are received, commands are issued, and actions are carried out from this location.

When the EEPROM or something else on your PCB fails, the Et error message will appear on the dryer’s screen, and the dryer will not operate.

Your dryer’s printed circuit board (PCB) needs to be replaced with a new one. It’s a job that only your dryer repair center is qualified to complete.

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5. FE (Federation of European Communities)

The letter ‘F’ in this case stands for frequency. The code FE indicates that your dryer is experiencing a ‘Frequency Error’ in the power supply. There are two possible explanations for this:

First and foremost, the area in which you live lacks a reliable and consistent supply of electricity.

Because of this, the electricity that is delivered to you is unpredictable — it can be strong at times and weak at others, for example.

Your dryer will be able to tell if it is weak because it will be deprived of sufficient power. You will receive a FE message as a result of this.

2) Another possibility is that the power frequency sensor in your dryer is faulty.

Your power company may be supplying the required frequency (60 Hz), but your dryer is sending the FE error message because of a damaged or malfunctioning frequency sensor, according to the manufacturer.

Make contact with your repair center as soon as possible. They can assist you in determining the root cause of the FE error message and in determining the appropriate course of action.

6. HE [Gas Dryer Heating Error]

The letter ‘h’ stands for the word ‘heat. hE is an abbreviation for ‘heating Error.’

This indicates that either the heating system on your dryer is not producing enough heat or that the heat sensor (thermistor) is not accurately sensing heat in your dryer.

Regardless of whether your dryer’s heater is powered by gas or electricity, have your repairman look for any of these problems.

It is possible that the problem is caused by a fault in the gas supply, which restricts the flow of gas to the heater coils.

Check to see that the gas supply cut-off valve is fully open before proceeding.

In the event that your dryer is powered by electricity, your repairman will first check to see if the dryer’s circuit breaker is closed.

If it is left open, no electricity will be able to flow to the space heater. But then he’ll have to figure out what electrical problem is causing the circuit breaker to trip in the first place.

If the wiring is faulty or damaged, he will also replace that portion of the system. In addition, if the problem is with the heat sensor, the repairman will replace it free of charge.

7. OD

‘oD’ is an abbreviation for ‘over Dry.’ Typically, when this occurs, it indicates that the dryer did not detect that the clothes were already dry when it was turned on.

One of two things happened: either the moisture sensor failed, or something else was causing it to misinterpret the moisture level inside the dryer.

If a moist object or film becomes stuck on the sensor, the sensor may believe that the dryer tub still contains a significant amount of moisture.

It may as a result send an incorrect oD error message to the user. Check the moisture sensor and wipe it down with a clean cloth.

If the oD error continues to occur, contact your local repairman. It’s possible that your dryer requires a new moisture sensor.

If the thermistor registers a normal resistance reading (10,000 ohms), the error message is most likely caused by faulty or damaged electrical wiring in the circuit.

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Having a better understanding of how to read and understand these dryer error codes will also help you better understand how your dryer is being troubleshooted and repaired by your repairman. Never attempt to complete the task yourself.

8. samsung dryer fe code

There is a problem with the power supply.

A voltage meter can be used to determine the voltage that the dryer is receiving. If the dryer is receiving the 60 Hz power it requires, this indicates that the electronic control board is faulty and must be repaired or replaced immediately.

This is something that only a professional can do. While on-site for the repair appointment, an electrician or your electrical power supplier should check the frequency of your electrical power supply to ensure that it is operating properly.

9. tS or tO

A temperature sensor that is not working properly (electrically shorted or electrically open)

To check for temperature sensor or thermistor resistance, unplug the dryer and use a volt/ohm meter to measure the resistance of the temperature sensor or thermistor. If the resistance is greater than 40,000 ohms, the thermistor should be replaced.

If the resistance is greater than 10,000 ohms, the wire harness should be replaced. If this does not resolve the issue, it will be necessary to replace the electronic control board.

10. hE or HE

Error in the heating of an electric dryer

In the first instance, check to see if any of the circuit breakers in your home’s electrical box have been tripped. If they have tripped, they must be reset.

After that, unplug the dryer and inspect the connections between the wiring and the heating element. If there are any loose wires, reconnect them or replace the wire harness if it is damaged.

Make a visual inspection of the heating element for signs of damage and replace it if it appears to be faulty.

Samsung Dryer Dn Code

A “DN code” on a Samsung dryer in English refers to the display notifications. DN code usually denotes a problem or error with the dryer, such as blockage in the venting system, faulty thermistor, or malfunctioning heating element. Troubleshooting these issues can help resolve the DN code error on Samsung dryers.

Our Final Thoughts

When your dryer isn’t working properly, error codes can assist you in determining the source of the problem. Fortunately, most errors on your Samsung dryer are very simple to resolve and only require a few troubleshooting steps to complete.

Frequently Ask Questions

What does the error code “oD” mean on my Samsung dryer?This samsung dryer codes means that the dryer has detected a problem with the dry time sensor. To fix this, try cleaning the lint screen and vent system. If the error code persists, contact a Samsung technician for further assistance.
Samsung dryer 3c error code how to fix?This error code means that the dryer has detected a problem with the motor. To fix this, try restarting the dryer. If the error code persists, contact a Samsung technician for further assistance.
What does the error code “1 AC7” mean on my Samsung dryer?This error code means that the dryer has detected a problem with the electronic control board. To fix this, contact a Samsung technician for further assistance.
What does the error code “HC2” mean on my Samsung dryer?This error code means that the dryer has detected a problem with the gas ignition. To fix this, contact a Samsung technician for further assistance.

How do I erase the Samsung dryer’s error code?

Reset the dryer.
Your dryer can be reset with ease. When the dryer’s electrical charge has cleared (usually 1 to 5 minutes at most), unplug it (or turn off the power at the circuit breaker), then turn it back on. I’m done now. All it takes to reset is that.

Why does my dryer keep beeping and flashing?

If your tumble dryer is new or unfamiliar to you, the beeping sound it makes at the end of a cycle may be the solution. Some appliances also have an anti-crease feature that beeps 30 times in a cycle every five minutes. Warning: This might indicate that the water reservoir is full.

What do the lights on my Samsung dryer that are blinking mean?

If either of these lights blinks, something is wrong with the door, the latch, or the sensors that determine whether the door is properly fastened. Verify that the door is closed and secured properly, that no laundry or other items are caught in it, and that the latch is firmly fixed.


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