Prime Video Not Working on Samsung TV: (11 Simple Fixes!)
If you own a Samsung TV and are experiencing issues with Prime Video not working, you’re not alone. Many users have encountered problems with the popular streaming service on their Samsung TVs. Fortunately, there are several troubleshooting steps you can take to fix the problem and get back to enjoying your favorite shows and movies.
In this article, I will guide you through the process of troubleshooting Prime Video on your Samsung TV. From disconnecting the TV from the power source to performing a factory reset, we’ll explore various solutions that can help resolve the issue.
So, if you’re facing Prime Video error on your Samsung TV, or if the app is not loading or not working properly, read on to find out how to fix these problems and get back to streaming your favorite content.
Key Takeaways:
- To troubleshoot Prime Video not working on Samsung TV, try disconnecting the TV from the power source and then turning it on again.
- Check if Prime Video servers are down by accessing the app on other devices or checking server status updates.
- If the Prime Video app is still not working, try reinstalling it by resetting the Samsung Smart Hub.
- If you’re experiencing playback issues, reset your router to ensure a stable internet connection.
- Make sure you have adequate internet speed to support streaming Prime Video on your Samsung TV.
Disconnect Samsung TV from the Electrical Source
One of the most basic troubleshooting steps you can take to fix Prime Video not working on your Samsung TV is to disconnect the TV from the electrical source. This process, often referred to as power cycling, can help resolve minor software glitches and refresh the TV’s system.
To disconnect the Samsung TV from the electrical source:
- Locate the power cord connected to the back of the TV.
- Unplug the power cord from the wall socket.
- Press and hold the power button on the TV for approximately 30 seconds.
- Release the power button and plug the power cord back into the wall socket.
- Turn on the TV and check if Prime Video is now working properly.
This simple power cycle can often resolve temporary issues with Prime Video and is a good first step in troubleshooting.
Why is my Prime App TV Not Working?
If Amazon Prime Videos isn’t working on your Samsung TV, it could be due to one of the following:
- The memory capacity of your television is insufficient.
- The video streaming apps have been decommissioned.
- Your television’s software is out of date.
- Your account has been disabled.
- You must first connect your Samsung TV to the internet to view this page.
- To say the least, your internet connection is sluggish.
- Your HDMI cable does not meet the specifications.
- Fortunately, these and many other issues can be resolved in a variety of ways.
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11 Ways to Fix prime videos not working TV
Before we explore the other options, try this quick solution to resolve the problem, follow these steps:
Tips and Quick Fixes
There are several ways to fix app not working on Samsung TV
– Unplug Samsung TV from the wall
– Check if the amazon’s
servers are down
– Reinstall the app
– Reset Samsung Smart Hub
– Reset your Wi-Fi router
– Check your internet connection.
See other methods below if this did not resolve your issue.
Video Guide: Amazon not playing on TV
1. Perform a cold boot
A cold boot assists in shutting down and rebooting the television. It can assist in resolving various issues, including glitches, picture issues, freezing, not loading, and crashing.
There are two methods for cold booting a Samsung TV:
1. Using a remote control
- Keep the power button pressed.
- Wait for the TV to turn off and on again.
- The entire procedure should take no more than five seconds to complete.
2. Unplugging the television
- Unplug the Smart TV from the power source.
- Allow it to be unplugged for 30 seconds.
- Replug it in.
- Open the app again to see if the problem has been resolved.
2. Update the software on the television.
Here’s how to check your Samsung TV for software updates:
- Navigate to the Settings menu.
- Choose Support.
- Select Software Update.
- Choose Update Now.
- Your device will automatically install the software and reboot if an update is available.
- Next, test the Prime app to see if you’ve resolved the issue.
3. Check Your Internet Connection
It’s possible that the problem is caused by the internet connection. However, in order to watch premium video content on prime videos, you must have an internet connection. In this case, if your Samsung smart TV does not have an internet connection, the videos will not play.
There could be an issue with the app that is causing glitches, making it stop working on Samsung smart TVs. Clearing the cache will quickly resolve the app issue, allowing you to watch your favorite shows and movies. To accomplish this and clear the cache memory of the TV, follow these steps:
4. Delete the Cache
There could be an issue with an app that is causing glitches. As a result,prime videos is no longer available on Samsung smart TVs. Clearing the cache will quickly resolve the app issue. To accomplish this, follow these steps:
- Navigate to Settings by pressing the Home button on the TV remote.
- Select Apps, followed by System Apps.
- Now, open the Amazon app and select Clear cache.
- To confirm, click OK.
5. Uninstall and reinstall the app
If clearing the cache does not resolve the problem, you should uninstall and reinstall the Prime app. However, uninstalling will be beneficial if the data on your smart TV’s apps has become corrupted. You must first uninstall the app and then reinstall it on your smart TV.
How to Uninstall Videos App:
- Press the Home button on the TV remote.
- Select Apps from the menu.
- Navigate to Settings and then to the Prime app.
- Select Delete, then confirm the uninstallation by clicking Delete again.
Installing the it Again:
- Navigate to APPS and then the Search icon from the Menu.
- Enter App and then click on it to watch it.
- Now, click Install to begin the installation process.
- Then, launch the Video app and verify that it is operational.
6. Turn on your device.
Occasionally, the amazon prime login account causes a problem with the subscription. More devices may be logged in with the same Amazon account, which can lead to the app not working on your smart TV. You must deregister the devices from the account in this case. However, it is best to deregister and reregister the Samsung Television in order for the app to function properly.
Go to Settings after launching the app. After that, go to account settings and then device. There could be a lot of devices registered, causing video problems.
However, if the list contains only a few devices, only then should you deregister your Samsung smart TV. Following that, you can reactivate your smart TV from any device, such as a mobile app, by visiting the Amazon website and enjoy watching Amazon again.
7. Update the App on your device.
It’s possible that the prime video application is out of date. Consequently, it is not compatible with your smart TV.
The application must be up to date in order to deliver high-quality video content. The following are the steps to take in order to update the app on Samsung TV:
- Press the Smart Hub button on the remote control.
- Select Featured from the drop-down menu. Those applications that require an update are denoted by a white arrow on a blue background circle.
- Select the Amazon prime videos app from the drop-down menu.
- To access a submenu, press and hold the Enter key for a few seconds.
- Update Apps should be selected first, followed by All from the submenu.
- Now is the time to select Update.
8. Restart your Smart Hub on your television.
how do i reset amazon prime on my smart tv, you will need to gather the login information for all of the apps that have been installed on the device prior to performing the reset. Once this is completed, proceed to the steps below:
prime video app not working on samsung tv
- Navigate to the Settings menu.
- To reset the Smart Hub, go to Support > Self Diagnosis > Reset Smart Hub.
- Enter the PIN for your television, or the default PIN of 0000.
- The reset process will begin as soon as you enter your PIN.
8. Double-check that you have the correct HDMI cable.
Although this is a rare occurrence, it could be one of the reasons you are unable to watch movies or television shows in high definition or 4K on your Samsung TVs. You may experience this if your HDMI cable does not meet the required specifications, causing video not working issues.
HD content streaming apps requires a cable with an HDCP 1.4 rating or higher in the majority of situations. It must be at least HDCP 2.2 in order to support 4K content. To ensure a smooth Prime Video experience, make sure to use a compatible HDMI cable and update your Samsung TV if necessary.
If your HDMI cable is out of date, you will need to purchase a new one in order to watch high definition or 4K content. The iBirdie 4K HDR HDMI cable comes highly recommended.
9. Put a halt to downloads.
The downloading process may be causing the internet speed to slow down, leading to problems running amazon video not working on samsung tv on your smart TV. If you have files downloading on your smart TV, you should pause it. Amazon requires a minimum of one megabit per second (Mbps) of bandwidth.
Additionally, once the download is complete, you can try to play the Prime again and enjoy the vast library of movies and TV shows with improved video quality.
10. Double-check your VPN connection.
If you are connected to a virtual private network (VPN), this indicates that the VPN has blocked the streaming apps service, causing the Prime Video access issue. When you stream using a VPN, Amazon, on the other hand, may flag your location as suspicious, making the app not work as expected.
Make certain that the VPN is turned off immediately prior to launching the Videoapplication. Furthermore, the VPN circumvents geographical restrictions, allowing you to watch content from various regions.
11. Double-check your location settings
The Amazon Prime Video might be unable to be accessed because of the suspicious login attempt. In the same way, if the smart tv’s location does not match your exact location, you can use a VPN. However, sometimes you need to power cycle your tv’s to get it to work again.
The service will not function until the location has been correctly identified. As a result, make sure you go to Settings > Location and check to see if your current location matches your actual location. If the issue persists, you may consider doing a factory reset on your Samsung TV or updating the Amazon Prime app to the latest version.
What is the source of the problem?
First and foremost, a poor internet connection is the most frequently encountered problem. Perhaps there is an issue with your network, or perhaps one of the app’s settings is conflicting with another. Here’s what you can do to make things right.
amazon prime video not working on tv
1. Clear the cache on your computer.
Cache clearing is accomplished by holding down the power button on your remote for 20 seconds.
2. Unplug the router from the wall.
After that, it was disconnected and then reconnected.
Amazon Video should be reinstalled. More Apps can be accessed by pressing the Home button. Once the installation has been completed, try launching the application once more.
3. Reset the SmartHub to its default settings.
After resetting SmartHub, press and hold the power button on the TV remote for approximately 15 seconds to reset the TV.
You can update the TV software on your router or try logging into your Samsung and Amazon accounts again to see if that helps. If nothing else works, try performing a factory reset on your television.
Lastly, Contact Amazon Video Help for support:
Here is a recap. But the #1 cause may be the following.
Why is prime video not working on my tv?
Here is what to do when the App does not work on your Samsung TV. You must restart the device. Unplug the television and wait a FULL 60 seconds. Press and hold the tv’s power button for thirty seconds while you wait. After one minute, reconnect your television.
Our Final Thoughts on prime video not working samsung tv
Prime video not working on tv on samsung tv’s is a problem that an app glitch, a smart hub error, or a poor network connection, among other things can cause. You can, however, easily resolve this situation. On this occasion, we followed the same procedures described in this article.
Was the information in this article useful? Please share your thoughts in the comments section. In addition, if you have any questions or concerns.
I am Trevor Eason an entrepreneur, a designer, web developer, and software engineer currently living in Dallas, TX. My interests range from technology to photography. I am also interested in entrepreneurship, gaming, and basketball. I run my own Tech Win Reviews blog. Hope you will join me for all your Samsung and Tech Reviews and recommendations.