How to Clean Samsung Refrigerator Drip Pan?

How to Clean Samsung Refrigerator Drip Pan? Defrosted ice from your freezer is collected in the drip pan of your refrigerator, preventing a leak into your kitchen. Although frequently forgotten, you should clean your drip pan every three months to avoid the growth of mildew or odors.

How to Clean Samsung Refrigerator Drip Pan
How to Clean Samsung Refrigerator Drip Pan

Depending on the refrigerator model, the drip pan may be removable and located in the front or back. As a result, your refrigerator will smell better and remain clean for a few more months after thoroughly cleaning!

VIDEO: How to Clean Samsung Refrigerator Drip Tray

How to clean drip tray at back of fridge?


Here are three ways for you to try on cleaning a drip pan on your Samsung refrigerator:


Drip pan
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  1. To find out where the drip pan is, consult the owner’s manual for your refrigerator. The samsung refrigerator drip tray location varies depending on your refrigerator’s model, but they are typically found at the front or back. To locate the drip pan, use the diagrams in the owner’s manual for your refrigerator. The Samsung refrigerator drain pan removal or necessity for cleaning while it is within your fridge may also be specified in the handbook.

2. Look online to see whether the manufacturer has made the owner’s manual for your refrigerator accessible for download if you can’t find it at home.

3. If you need to reach the back panel, turn off the water and power supply. Pull your refrigerator away from the wall if the drip pan is in the back so you can get to it. If your refrigerator has a water supply control, locate it and set it to the off position to prevent leaks. To avoid accidentally shocking yourself while working on the inside parts of the refrigerator, turn it off.

  4. If you’re samsung refrigerator drip pan cleaning, the food in your refrigerator won’t remain cold for very long. If thoroughly cleaning your refrigerator, transfer your food to an insulated container or another refrigerator.

5. If the drip pan is in the back, unscrew the back panel. Find the hex bolts or screws holding the refrigerator’s back panel in place. The screws can be loosened by turning them counterclockwise with a screwdriver or hex wrench. After you have taken out each screw, carefully remove the fridge’s back panel and place it aside.

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6. To prevent losing the screws, keep them in a little dish or another container. Many drip pans in the back of the refrigerator are difficult to remove, so you must clean them without taking them out.

7. If the drip pan is at the front of the refrigerator, remove the kick panel at the bottom. You may access the top of the kick panel, which is the grating with slots on the bottom of your refrigerators, by opening the doors. To remove the kick panel from your refrigerator, slide a putty knife between them. After removing one kick panel side, completely remove it from the refrigerator and set it aside. If your refrigerator contains a water filter, you don’t need to remove it.

8. Pull the drip panel to see if anything emerges from the refrigerator. Look inside the kick panel or back panel to locate the drip pan, which should resemble a small rectangular tray. With both hands, grab the drip pan and try to remove it without knocking it over. Your drip pan will be simple to remove from the refrigerator if it is removable. If not, it cannot be taken out. Cleaning gloves are optional; nevertheless, using them is recommended.


1. If the pan is filled with water, empty it. There may still be standing water in the drip pan even though the heat from your refrigerator should have caused it to evaporate. To get rid of the water, pour it down the sink drain. Set the samsung fridge water tray in your sink once it has been emptied so you can begin cleaning. Using a wet/dry vacuum to remove standing water is another option.

2. Use a bleach solution to clean the drip pan. Combine 1 part bleach and 2 parts warm water in a spray bottle. Shake well to combine. Spray the drip pan well with water, then allow the bleach mixture to remain on the top for two to three minutes. If you observe mold or mildew growing on the drip pan, sprinkle the additional cleaner on it to aid with removing it and cleaning the area. Your drip pan’s color can alter if it isn’t made of white material.

cleaning rag
cleaning rag

3. Use a cleaning rag to scrub the pan to get rid of any mold or buildup. After a few minutes, use a cleaning rag to remove the cleaner from the drip pan’s interior. Work from one side of the drip pan to the other to prevent mold from spreading. As you scrub the drip pan, use hard pressure to dislodge any accumulated debris. If you don’t want to get any mold on your fabric cleaning rags, you can also use paper towels.

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4. Rinse the drip pans with warm water to get rid of any cleanser. Put the drip pan under the faucet as you run warm water over it. Make sure there is no cleaner remaining on the surface by thoroughly rinsing the drip pan. If there is any remaining residue, use another rag or sponge to remove it.

5. Before reinstalling the drip pan, dry it. To dry the pan, use a cleaning towel or some paper towels. When you reinstall the pan, ensure there are no water droplets on it because that could cause mold to grow once more. Replace the panels on the drip pan and slide it back into your refrigerator after it is dry to the touch so you may use it once more. The drip pan can be left to air dry for an additional 30 minutes.

Note: You can also try white vinegar and baking soda to wash it down the drain hose into the drain tray to clean the lines. You can use hot water or cold water.


  1. Cover the flexible claw grabber’s end with a damp cleaning wipe. To get rid of any odors or mold, use wet wipes with multipurpose cleanser or bleach on them. Push the button on the end to open a flexible claw grabber while holding a damp wipe inside the claw. 

Release the button so that the claw firmly grabs the fabric. A flexible claw grabber is available online or at your neighborhood hardware store. You can wrap a damp wipe around the end of a wire hanger if you don’t have a flexible claw grabber.

2. Insert the wet wipe’s tip with the claw grabber into the drip pan. While it’s still in your refrigerator, insert the claw grabber’s tip into the drip pan. Move the moist cloth slowly along the drip pan’s borders to thoroughly clean it and get rid of any accumulation. Work from various angles on the drip pan to get rid of as much of the mold or accumulation there as you can. Avoid using excessive force on the claw grabber because doing so risks damaging the fridge’s interior parts.

3. When the wet wipe becomes soiled, replace it. Pull the claw grabber’s tip out of the drip pan after one or two minutes, then check the wet wipe.

 If it appears soiled or has buildup on it, remove it and insert a new one into the claw. Check the moist wipe periodically until it is completely clean when removed from the drip pan.

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4.Fill the drip tray with a bleach and water mixture to avoid accumulation. After thoroughly cleaning the samsung fridge drip tray, slowly pour the mixture of one part bleach to one part warm water into the pan.


 The bleach solution will aid in preventing further mold growth inside the drip tray so that no odors are created. You can reattach any panels you took off to access the pan once you’re done.

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Remove Water From Refrigerator Drain Pan?To remove water from a samsung fridge drain pan, follow these steps:
1. Unplug the refrigerator.
2. Locate the drain pan at the bottom and remove it.
3. Empty the water into a sink or bucket.
4. Clean the pan with warm soapy water.
5. Dry the pan thoroughly before placing it back.
How to remove water from lg refrigerator back side?To remove water from the back side of your LG refrigerator, follow these steps:
1. Unplug the refrigerator from the power source.
2. Remove any items stored near the back of the fridge.
3. Locate and clean the condensation drain pan situated at the back.
4. Use a towel or sponge to absorb any standing water. 5. Ensure the drain hose is clear and not clogged.
6. Plug the refrigerator back in and return items to their original position.
How to remove defrost water from samsung fridge?To remove defrost water from a Samsung fridge in English, follow these steps:
1. Locate the defrost drain tube at the back of the fridge.
2. Place a shallow dish or tray beneath the tube to catch the water.
3. Gently remove any clogs or debris from the tube using a pipe cleaner or compressed air.
4. Once the water begins to flow freely, dispose of it and clean the tray.

Where does the drip pan on a Samsung refrigerator?

Most likely, the fridge drain pan for your refrigerator is hidden beneath the kick panel. You can remove a fridge drip pan if you have one. If not, try removing the refrigerator from the wall and seeing if you can get to it from the rear.

Does my fridge have a drip pan?

Although refrigerator designs vary, the drip pan is nearly always found at the bottom of the appliance. This is done so that liquid may readily flow from the top of the unit to the bottom, thanks to gravity.

How do you find the drip pan on a refrigerator?

The refrigerator drain pan is found at the bottom of the appliance, close to the floor. Usually, you can get to it by taking off the grill on the refrigerator’s front and pulling the pan forward. Examine the pan for splits or cracks after a thorough cleaning.

Where is the defrost drain hole in my Samsung fridge?

Your freezer’s defrost drain is positioned in the back. It is a tiny drain hole typically found near the bottom of the freezer. Occasionally, it may be concealed behind a plastic or metal panel that may be unscrewed to reveal the drain tube.

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I am Trevor Eason an entrepreneur, a designer, web developer, and software engineer currently living in Dallas, TX. My interests range from technology to photography. I am also interested in entrepreneurship, gaming, and basketball. I run my own Tech Win Reviews blog. Hope you will join me for all your Samsung and Tech Reviews and recommendations.

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