How to Force Stop App on Samsung Galaxy? [5 Easy Steps!]

How to Force Stop App on Samsung Galaxy?

This post will show you how to use the kill app processes or force stop command to forcefully quit or end apps on your Samsung smartphone that have gone rogue and stopped working.

How to Force Stop App on Samsung Galaxy
How to Force Stop App on Samsung Galaxy

Continue reading to find out how to force an app to stop on a Samsung Galaxy.

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Overview of the Force Stop Command

Force stop, as the name suggests, is a built-in command that allows you to forcefully quit or end an application. This command is available on both iOS and Android devices.

The force stop command is commonly regarded as one of the most effective solutions to in-app like google play store glitches such as random app freezes and crashes. It is also considered among other battery-saving workarounds whenever a device experiences significant power drain.

Aside from the integrated force stop command in individual applications, you can also use the End All command from the Apps switcher to force stop all running apps. This will immediately end all foreground and background processes associated with specific applications.


When to force stop?
When to force stop?

When you launch or use an app on your phone, it remains open and running in the background until you end or close it from the apps switcher.

While running apps in the background can help with multitasking and switching between applications, it can also cause conflicts with other apps and system services.

It turns out that leaving more apps open and running in the background is one of the factors that can cause performance problems such as random lags, freezes, and system crash.

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This is when the commands force stop and end all apps come into play. The force stop command on individual applications can also be used to address battery-draining issues caused by rogue apps. Although the effect is minor, forcing battery-hogging apps to stop saves power on your phone task manager.

It is only recommended to use the force stop command when an app is malfunctioning. Please keep in mind that there is no way to undo a force stop. However, once an app has been force-stopped, the action cannot be undone. You must manually open the app to relaunch the force-stopped application.

When using a smartphone, it’s easy to lose track of how many apps you’re running at the same time. Before you know it, your phone is slow and sluggish, your battery is at 5%, and the app you’re attempting to use crashes. What occurred?

What happened was that you unknowingly left many apps open while browsing your android phone.

When you leave apps open after you’ve finished using them, your phone continues to operate as if you’re still using them, draining memory, battery, and data.

Closing apps is the simplest way to keep your phone’s memory in good shape and avoid potential problems when accessing other apps.


The steps below can also be used to force stop or close apps on other Samsung Galaxy phones running the same Android or One UI version as the Galaxy S21. 

Actual screens and menu items may differ between device models and wireless carriers, so expect some minor variations in the user interface. Feel free to begin whenever you’re ready.

  1. To begin, tap the Settings icon on the Home or Apps screens to open the Settings app menu.
  2. Select Apps from the Settings menu. This will open a new window with a list of all downloaded and built-in apps. If the app does not appear in the list, you may need to enable the Show system apps switch. You can also filter and sort icons to improve visibility.
  3. Select the app you want to force stop. Simply tap on the app’s name.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the background apps info screen and tap Force Stop.
  5. Read the pop-up message and then confirm by tapping OK.
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This should force the app to close and terminate any other relevant processes for that app. To force close other apps, simply find and select the desired app, then follow the same steps to execute the Force Stop command from the Apps info screen.

Stop All Background Apps Immediately

Alternatively, you can access the multitasking pane by tapping the Recent app drawer icon at the bottom of your Home screen and then swiping up and holding. All open or running apps are displayed here. To stop all running apps at once, simply tap the End all button.


Because force-stopping an app has no effect on any saved data on the phone’s storage, it will not delete user data. However, depending on the foreground and background processes that are terminated within the app, unsaved data may be deleted.


Background App
Background App

You can use the Developer Options menu or Developer mode on your Galaxy S21 to see which apps are running in the background of your Samsung Galaxy note.

Simply navigate to Settings-> Developer Options-> Processes to accomplish this.

The following menu will show you which processes are still running, as well as the used and available RAM on chrome os. Tap App that consumes RAM is also displayed.

That’s all there is to it when it comes to force-stopping app info(force-closing apps) on the Samsung Galaxy S21 smartphone and other Android devices.


Some apps may crash or become problematic from time to time, and force closing is one of the most effective ways to resolve the issue. The steps to force quit a misbehaving app on your Samsung phone or tablet are outlined below.

FAQs App on Samsung Galaxy?

What causes an app to stop?

The most common cause of force-close messages is the app accessing corrupted data. For one reason or another, the app expects a specific piece of data to be available but is unable to access it. The result is a force close because the program isn’t programmed or “told” what to do in such situations.

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How do I get rid of a stuck app?

To force quit an app on iOS or Android, long-press the Home button and then swipe an app’s preview card upward on iOS or to the right on Android.

What effect does force stop have on Samsung?

For Android devices. Force-stopping a battery-draining app will only save power if the app remains closed. When you relaunch the app, its battery consumption will resume. Again, forcing it to close will not save battery life unless an app consumes a significant amount of your device’s power (especially in the background).

Why can’t I force an app to close?

Yes, it is the default browser of every Android device; if you force stop it, it will stop working for a short period of time before restarting on its own, just like any other system app.

What happens when the force app is removed?

When attempting to fix a misbehaving app, using Force Stop is recommended because 1) it kills the currently running instance of that app, and 2) it means that the app will no longer access any of its cache files.

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I am Trevor Eason an entrepreneur, a designer, web developer, and software engineer currently living in Dallas, TX. My interests range from technology to photography. I am also interested in entrepreneurship, gaming, and basketball. I run my own Tech Win Reviews blog. Hope you will join me for all your Samsung and Tech Reviews and recommendations.

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