Best Picture Settings For Samsung AU8000 (Complete Guide)

Attention all Samsung AU8000 owners! Are you tired of subpar picture quality and dull, lifeless images?

Look no further – we have scoured the internet and tested various settings to bring you the absolute best picture settings for your TV. With our expertly fine-tuned adjustments, you will be able to enjoy your favorite content in stunning clarity and vibrant, true-to-life colors.

Samsung AU8000 Settings
Samsung AU8000 Settings

We used the following calibration settings to evaluate the 65″ Samsung AU8000 (UN65AU8000). We believe them to be valid for the 43″ model (UN43AU8000), 50″ model (UN50AU8000), 55″ model (UN55AU8000), 70″ model (UN70AU8000), 75″ model (UN75AU8000), and 85″ model (UN85AU8000) (UN85AU8000).

These settings should apply to most content categories, excluding gaming and use as a PC monitor, which require the modifications described below.

General Settings

The following are categories under General Settings that you can configure:


As we do not want the TV to alter the image while testing, one of the first steps we took was to disable all Power and Energy Saving features. We also left the Picture Size at 16:9 Standard, so the aspect ratio does not change while testing.


There are five preset picture settings for SDR media. We recommend choosing the ‘Movie’ Picture Mode, as it’s the most accurate one out of the box and provides the most customization. In addition, we suggest leaving Contrast at ’45’ and Sharpness at ‘0’ from the Expert Settings menu. 

We also left the Color and Tint (G/R) settings at their default values of 25 and 0. Last but not least, we selected the ‘Warm2’ Color Tone, which was the closest to our calibration targets. Gamma is set to 2.2 because this value is closest to our calibration target.

Depending on your unique viewing conditions, you should modify the Brightness option to make the image brighter in SDR. However, changes to this option do not affect the overall picture quality when the backlight intensity is increased.

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We disable most image processing features, including the Contrast Enhancer, so that the resulting image is as close to the creator’s original vision as possible. However, it would help if you tailor these to your preferences.


HDR is enabled automatically for native apps. A small HDR icon displays next to the picture mode in the quick settings menu when you play HDR video. Once you begin playing HDR video, several settings are modified automatically, including the Brightness, which is set to ‘Max.’

We advise leaving these HDR settings at their default values. However, for external devices to support HDR, Input Signal Plus must often be activated from the External Device Manager menu for the input being used.

Leaving this option on may cause compatibility difficulties with older devices, so it is recommended to only enable it for devices that require it. If HDR content is too faint, set Contrast Enhancer to “High” and ST.2084 to its maximum value.

Image Enhancements Samsung Au8000
Image Enhancements Samsung Au8000

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Motion Preferences

Although we disable most of our tests’ motion enhancement features, you should tweak them to your liking. Some settings may need to be modified based on the content being viewed.


Although we leave these settings off for most of our testing, you should alter the settings under the Picture Clarity Settings menu to your liking, as different individuals enjoy varying levels of motion interpolation. If you want to allow motion interpolation, set Picture Clarity to ‘Custom’ and modify the Judder Reduction to ’10’ for 30fps content. 

LED Clear Motion controls the Black Frame Insertion function of the AU8000. Most of these settings will need to be modified based on the content being viewed. For example, if you wish to remove judder from 24p sources, you need to disable Picture Clarity.


Very few adjustments are necessary from the default SDR and HDR settings for an excellent gaming experience. However, when you begin gaming, it is advised to enable Game Mode from the settings tab of the External Device Manager to get the lowest input lag and utilize the suggested SDR or HDR settings. For HDR gaming, activate Game HDR, and it’s necessary to ensure that Input Signal Plus is enabled for your input.

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The Samsung AU8000 typically identifies when it’s connected to a PC and automatically enters PC mode to ensure perfect chroma 4:4:4 support. Change the input icon to ‘PC’ to manually enable PC mode. In PC mode, several parameters, including many image settings, are disabled.

White Balance Adjustments

The following are the outcomes of our unit’s white balance and colorspace calibration. Due to manufacturing tolerances, the calibration values for individual units of the same model and size as the television we examined may vary. 

To test them, you must input all the displayed values, as they are all active simultaneously. If you wind up with lower image quality, revert the settings to their default defaults.

What Is The Best Mode For Your Samsung TV?

There are quite a few options to select when determining the optimal mode for your Samsung television. Selecting a mode rather than modifying the expert settings can be a more straightforward and quicker approach to configuring your Samsung camera for optimal image quality.

While we have already stated that our preferred mode is Movie Mode, we will now go over each of the possible options and explain why Movie Mode is the best option.

  • This is the normal mode for factory settings, with moderate Contrast and a decent balance to standard illumination.
  • High Contrast and high saturation can be found in the dynamic mode. This option might raise energy usage and strain the eyes if left on for too long in dim rooms.
  • As a blend of Standard and dynamic, the Natural mode has lesser Brightness and Contrast than the other modes.
  • With minimal Contrast and Brightness, movie mode generates a pleasant tone that is easy on the eyes in both bright and gloomy environments.

Whether you are watching your Samsung television during the day, in a brightly lit room, or in a very dark area, each of these modes can significantly impact your entertainment experience. The movie mode is the ideal option when in doubt because it will always produce a high-quality image.

Best Picture Settings For Samsung AU8000
Best Picture Settings For Samsung AU8000


The visual quality of Samsung televisions is already among the best available. However, this does not negate the significance of the settings in creating the ideal image for your home entertainment system.

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Remember that as a general, movie mode is most likely the best option, and the expert settings should be set to have the Contrast at “45”, the Brightness at “0”, and the Sharpness at “0” as well.

FAQs On Best Picture Settings For Samsung AU8000

What are the optimal image settings for a Samsung television?

Contrast 45, Brightness 0, Sharpness 0, Color 50, Tint R50, and Backlight 20 are the best settings for a Samsung television. Adjust these settings up or down according to the movie, game, or show you’re watching, the lighting conditions, viewing angle, glare, distance from the television, etc.

Does Samsung AU8000 represent an upgrade?

It is a direct replacement for last year’s TU8000 and, like the TU8000, it features 4K resolution and image processing by Samsung’s Crystal Processor 4K. If you are not watching native 4K video, the processor will aggressively upscale the resolution of whatever you see to 4K.

Is HDR or UHD crystal superior?

Between HDR Vs. UHD, 4K means the number of pixels that fit on a television screen or monitor, which enhances image definition and texture. HDR has nothing to do with resolution but is concerned with color depth and image quality. HDR improves the appearance of the pixels.

CEO and Editor at Samsungtechwin | + posts

I am Trevor Eason an entrepreneur, a designer, web developer, and software engineer currently living in Dallas, TX. My interests range from technology to photography. I am also interested in entrepreneurship, gaming, and basketball. I run my own Tech Win Reviews blog. Hope you will join me for all your Samsung and Tech Reviews and recommendations.

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