How To Take Screenshots On Samsung Galaxy A13? 4 Easy Methods

Ever wonder how to take Screenshots On Samsung Galaxy A13? The Galaxy A13 is equipped with a multitude of functions that facilitate daily tasks. This smartphone offers nearly identical screenshot possibilities as other Samsung handsets, from button combinations to motions.

The Samsung A13, a smartphone released in early 2022, offers several exciting features, ranging from a large screen with Full HD+ quality to a sophisticated camera for taking images in various settings.

In addition, the Samsung Galaxy A13 has capabilities that make it simple for users to capture screenshots swiftly. There are three ways to take screenshots on this Samsung-made smartphone, including a combination of physical buttons, a shortcut on the assistant menu, and the use of the edge panel.

How To Take Screenshots On Samsung Galaxy A13?
How To Take Screenshots On Samsung Galaxy A13?


To capture a screenshot on a Samsung Galaxy A13, open the notification bar or quick settings bar and simultaneously tap the volume down button. The screenshot will be saved to the gallery on the device.

How To Capture A Samsung A13 Screenshot?

This Samsung A13 has several features that make it easy and quick to take screenshots, including button combinations, the Menu Assistant, the Edge Panel, and the ability to take lengthy screenshots.

For those of you who have just acquired it and want to know how to screenshot Samsung 13, please use some of the approaches we share below.


1. Screenshot Galaxy A13 Via Edge Panel

The Edge Panel feature offers screenshot shortcuts, making it easy for users to snap screenshots without clicking a button. It is necessary to activate the functionality for the specified purpose.

Using Edge Panel
Using Edge Panel
  • Go to the Settings app and pick Display.
  • Next, locate and activate Edge Panel.
  • A fine white line will show on the right side of the screen once this function has been engaged.
  • Swipe the white line and pick the gear icon at the bottom of the screen.
  • Choose Task from the following options that display.
  • Swipe the line on the side of the screen and then touch Screenshot to capture a screenshot. Instantaneously, the Screenshot will be stored in the Gallery.
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2. Screenshots With Samsung A13 Key Combinations

Almost all Android devices already include a combination of physical power and volume-down buttons for capturing screenshots. So, it would not be surprising if the Samsung A13 supported this physical button combination.

Key Combinations
Key Combinations
  • Unlock the Display and navigate to the home screen on the Samsung A13.
  • Then, locate the desired screenshot location.
  • Once the region has been selected, simultaneously push and release the device’s power and volume down buttons.
  • If the screen flashes and a shutter sound can be heard, the Screenshot was successfully captured.
  • The screenshot results can be viewed in the Gallery app.

Although this method is simple to execute, it should not be used excessively so that the actual buttons do not wear out rapidly. Instead, use the Assistant Menu to try another way for this purpose.

3. Use Assistant Menu For Screenshots Galaxy A13

Alternatively, using the Take Screenshot keyboard shortcut in the Assistant menu, you can take screenshots without buttons. Please activate this feature using the steps below.

Assistant Menu
Assistant Menu
  • Tap the Accessibility option inside the Settings menu of your Samsung smartphone.
  • Please pick Interaction and Dexterity, then activate the Assistance Menu from the following options.
  • A menu icon for the Assistant will then show on the device’s Display. Hit the symbol and then select the Take Screenshot shortcut.
  • The screen will flash briefly to show that the Screenshot was successfully captured, and you can find the image in the Gallery app.

4. Capture Lengthy Screenshots

This function allows us to snap a screenshot of a whole page. For instance, we can store the entire conversation on a chat page in an instant messaging service.

Long Screenshot
Long Screenshot
  • The initial step is to go to Settings and then Advanced Features.
  • Tap Screenshots, then. To activate the Screenshot Toolbar option, tap its toggle to the ON position.
  • Now, snap a lengthy screenshot using one of the approaches above. If so, you will see a row of icons in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.
  • The next step is to tap the down arrow icon and repeatedly tap on the icon to capture the entire screen area.
  • Leave it for a bit, and it will be automatically saved immediately.
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The three ways mentioned all offer convenience in taking screenshots. At the same time, I enjoy the Edge Panel functionality. However, people’s comfort levels differ, so select the screenshot approach that best suits you.

These are some methods for taking screenshots on Samsung Galaxy A13 devices running Android 12 with or without buttons.

What Is The Difference Between Taking A Screenshot And A Screen Capture?

Imagine if… You log into Zoom in preparation for a family meeting. It’s lovely to see the happy faces you’ve missed. You’re catching up and appreciative that you can connect remotely. You recall wishing you knew how to shoot images of the “Brady Bunch” grid of people when you observed others doing so. This is a post for you!

Screenshots or screen captures taken on the Samsung Galaxy A13 is “Screenshots” or “Screen Captures.” Screenshots are an excellent way to preserve memories of exceptional events. They can also be instrumental in the workplace or classroom.

Take Screenshot On Samsung A13
Take Screenshot On Samsung A13

The ability to capture your entire or a portion of your screen is a crucial skill for everyone striving to become more tech-savvy. I frequently capture screenshots whenever I am at an online meeting or prepping for a presentation.

The ability to capture a screenshot is precious for distance learning students and adults whose workdays involve increasing screen time. Screenshots are possible on the majority of mobile devices and PCs. I guarantee that your online learning or work-from-home will increase after you’ve learned how!

CONCLUSION: Screenshots On Samsung Galaxy A13

Bixby can perform better in mid-range Smartphones. Yet Samsung will soon abandon Bixby. Hence, you can continue using Google Assistant. Capturing Screenshots on the Samsung Galaxy A13 4G is comparable in terms of software and operating system. Thus, the same techniques will apply.

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Because you rarely use the Screenshot feature, please utilize Physical keys if you are a frequent user. Accidental screenshots may result from a palm swipe. Use In-Built Palm Gesture or Play Store Apps if you are a developer or a tech-savvy person who takes multiple screenshots.

Always check the Background activities while installing from third-party websites to prevent data theft. If you have other methods, please comment below.


How can you take a screenshot by swiping the screen?

Launch the “Settings” app, scroll down to “Buttons & Gestures,” and into “Quick Gestures.” Here, you can enable “Three Finger Screenshot.” You may screenshot using this method by swiping down on your screen with your index, middle, and ring finger. A variety of Android smartphones support the screenshot function.

Why am I unable to capture a screenshot on Samsung?

You may be unable to take a screenshot because you did not allow the needed permissions to the screenshot application. Verify your permission settings to ensure that Samsung capture has been enabled.

Where is the screenshot option in the settings?

On your Android device, launch the Settings app. Support and voice input. Enable Use screenshots.

How can a screenshot be taken without clicking a button?

You can only snap a screenshot and immediately share it. Hence, if all you want to do with the Screenshot at the moment is share it, Google Assistant is ideal. To capture a screenshot on Android without using the power button, launch Google Assistant and say, “Take a screenshot.”


CEO and Editor at Samsungtechwin | + posts

I am Trevor Eason an entrepreneur, a designer, web developer, and software engineer currently living in Dallas, TX. My interests range from technology to photography. I am also interested in entrepreneurship, gaming, and basketball. I run my own Tech Win Reviews blog. Hope you will join me for all your Samsung and Tech Reviews and recommendations.

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