Amazon Prime Video Not Working? Here’s How To Fix!

You’ve reclined to watch the newest show on Amazon Prime, but the service has abruptly halted. You are now staring at a blank screen because the show has ended.

Next, what do you do? You can fix Amazon Prime Video yourself in some circumstances, though. Is Amazon Prime Video Not working? We’ll assist you in fixing it in this article.

Amazon Prime Video Not Working? Here's How To Fix!
Amazon Prime Video Not Working? Here’s How To Fix!

Are you logged into your Amazon Prime Video account?

The first thing to look at if Amazon Prime isn’t working is the status of your account. Most likely, you are aware that Amazon Prime Video is only partially accessible. However, the annual Amazon Prime subscription or the monthly subscription for just videos will give you access.

Go to Amazon’s Your Account page, then your Prime Video Settings page, to see if your account is active. Here, you can control other features of your Prime Video subscription.

Does Your Device Comply With the Minimum Standards?

The minimal requirements for your device must then be verified. The specifications for set-top boxes and smart TVs won’t change. This indicates that it should function if the device has the Amazon Prime Video app. If not, you should contact the manufacturer after reviewing the other troubleshooting steps on this page.

Make sure your operating system satisfies the following minimum standards for desktop computers:

  • Supported operating systems include Linux/UNIX and Mac OS 10.7 or later and Windows 7 or newer.

Your internet connection should, however, be, at the very least:

  • For Standard Definition (SD) video, 900 Kbits/sec.
  • For High Definition (HD) videos, 3.5 Mbits/sec.

Your web browser of choice is also crucial. You’ll have to watch videos in the browser if your OS doesn’t include a specific Amazon Prime Video app. So what should your web browser be?

  • Using Chrome (version 59 or newer)
  • Google Chrome (version 53 or newer)
  • Internet Explorer by Microsoft (version 11 or newer)
  • Windows 10’s Microsoft Edge
  • iOS Safari (version 10 or newer on macOS 10.12.1 or newer)
  • Opera (version 37 or newer) (version 37 or newer)
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Is It a Microsoft Silverlight Problem?

Amazon Prime Video Not Working
Amazon Prime Video Not Working

Amazon Prime Video may not operate, even if your network is fast enough and your operating system and browser are appropriate. Microsoft Silverlight is used to play videos on outdated PCs whose browsers don’t support HTML5.

Occasionally, this media plugin may experience issues playing streamed video files. Please right-click on the video window in your browser while it’s open and choose Silverlight to correct this.

Click Enable application storage after choosing Application Storage here. Find “” in the Website column, click on it, and then press Delete. Silverlight generally won’t be a problem because it’s an outdated technology.

Dealing With Mobile Amazon Prime Video Issues

Do you have Amazon Prime Video installed on your phone? There are specific apps for Android and iOS, and tablet devices come with Prime Video already installed (and Fire TV).

No matter which option you choose, the apps will always be up to date. In most cases, this will prevent issues and errors, but you might need to intervene.

I am fixing Amazon Prime Video on iOS: What to do?

You can delete the app from your iPhone or iPad to resolve any Amazon Prime Video issues unrelated to your network.

Locate and hold the Prime Video icon. Next, select Delete app after tapping Remove app. Finally, select Delete to remove the application. Then look up Prime Video on the App Store and reinstall it.

How Can Android Users Fix Amazon Prime Video?

Do you use Android to access Amazon Prime Video? If the app is giving you trouble, you have two options.

  • Go to Settings > Apps and notifications > Prime Video from the Home screen. Then select Storage > Clear Data and click OK to confirm. Try the video again.
  • If none of this helps, try reinstalling the application. First, uninstall Prime Video via Settings > Application Manager. Then, reinstall the app after restarting your phone.

It would help if you discovered that your issues with Amazon Prime Video are resolved once this is all resolved. Then, you’ll at least be aware that the issue isn’t with your mobile app.

Fix Amazon Prime Video on Your TV or Set-Top Box.

It’s simple enough to reinstall a smartphone app, but what if the software is on your TV or set-top box? Even though things are a little different, you should restart the TV whenever playback is problematic or error warnings emerge.

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Restarting a device means turning it off and on again as opposed to simply putting it in standby mode. To do this, locate the TV’s power button on the back of the device. It’s essential to remove it from the main supply as well.

By erasing the data cache, Amazon Prime Video apps for TVs and set-top boxes can be reset. The platform will determine how you accomplish this, but you should have the choice to visit the app settings. For assistance, look through the menu or consult the user handbook.

Eventually, you ought to come across alternatives for clearing cache and data. Use these to convince the app to function. After the program restarts, you’ll probably need to sign in again.

Easy Fix On Azamon Prime Video Not Working
Easy Fix On Azamon Prime Video Not Working

How to Fix Server Issues with Amazon Prime Video?

There may occasionally be troubles with Amazon Prime Video due to general server issues.

Typically, these don’t last long, but one of these can ruin your plans to binge-watch that evening. So instead, you can attempt the following to see if Amazon servers are causing your Amazon Prime Video issue:

  • If Amazon Prime Video is also unavailable on that device, the problem is likely on Amazon’s end. Instead, log in to Amazon Prime Video on a separate device.
  • To see if Amazon is down or having issues, use a tool like Is It Down Right Now?

Checking Amazon Prime Video Error Codes

In other cases, errors with Amazon’s streaming video will be indicated with error codes. Let’s examine a few of the most typical.

Error: Insufficient Bandwidth on Amazon Prime Video

The minimum network speed required for Amazon Prime Video is 900 Kbits/sec, as was already mentioned. A standard definition (SD) video, typically sufficient for smaller televisions, will be sent this way.

You shouldn’t be surprised that Amazon Prime Video streaming might have difficulties due to network issues. Although you can change a video’s quality settings (see the Settings tab), there may be additional problems.

The “Insufficient Bandwidth” error is a frequent issue. This will show up if Amazon deems your connection to have low bandwidth. In this case, look into other streaming platforms like Netflix or YouTube.

Spend some time restarting your router if you notice that they are effective. Then, restart the device you’re using to watch Amazon Prime Video once you’re finished (whether TV, mobile device, PC, or whatever).

Video: How To Fix Amazon Prime Video Not Working

How To Fix Amazon Prime Video Not Working

How to Fix Error Code 1060 on Amazon Prime Video?

Error Code 1060 frequently comes with the “Wait” circle and the options “Retry” and “Wait” in front of it. Since low bandwidth is typically the culprit, ensure your device is connected to your router. Neighboring homes on shared connections and other devices on your network may be utilizing the bandwidth.

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How to Fix Error Code 9074 on Amazon Prime Video?

We can only surmise what this code might represent because Amazon still needs to provide information about it. If you run into this issue, try restarting your device and cleaning the cache as basic troubleshooting steps. Unfortunately, restarting the router is something else to think about.

How to Fix an Amazon Prime Video App CDN Error?

This error, typically seen on the Fire Stick and Fire TV, is caused by difficulties connecting to Amazon’s streaming servers.

Use the remote to restart the device to fix it. Hold down the Select and Play buttons to force the device to restart. If the issue remains, you should restart your router as well.

The good news is that you can solve most of these unpleasant Amazon Prime Video issues alone.

Restore Amazon Prime Video’s Functionality

This article examined several causes of Amazon Prime Video’s malfunction. Keep the app updated and sign up for a fast broadband plan to guarantee outstanding performance. Additionally, place your streaming device near your router.

As soon as Amazon Prime Video is fully operational again, you should be able to explore all of its excellent features, including the option to download its videos and enjoy them offline.

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I am Trevor Eason an entrepreneur, a designer, web developer, and software engineer currently living in Dallas, TX. My interests range from technology to photography. I am also interested in entrepreneurship, gaming, and basketball. I run my own Tech Win Reviews blog. Hope you will join me for all your Samsung and Tech Reviews and recommendations.

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